I've spent some days at dermatology unit, where I learnt how to take samples or skin lesions cytologies, make differential diagnoses of commune dermatology problems. We were allow to talk to the clients, make signalments and finally examine the animals before specialist did it.
PL: Podczas stażu w Barcelonie spędziłam kilkanaście dni na oddziale dermatologii, gdzie uczyłam się jak pobierać próbki z róznych zmian skórnych, robić diagnostykę różnicową chorób najczęściej spotykanych u zwierząt. Pozwolono mi prowadzić konsultacje z właścicielami zwierząt, przeprowadzałam wywiad i robiłam wstępne badanie kliniczne, następnie zdawałam relacje specjaliście, który ponownie badał zwierzę.
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Here with Tiago, my portugese friend |
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Here with Emili, veterinary intern, I've learn so much from this guy! |
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An unusual patient came for castration |
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Measuring blood pressure with Doppler/ Mierzenie ciśnienia Dopplerem |
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This beauty had a fox-tail removed from his paw (after several surgical interventions) |
And while we were working hard 24 hours, this cheeky cat was sleeping all day long! His favorite place was our changing room
PL: Podczas gdy my ciężko pracowaliśmy 24 godziny, ten bezczelny kot spał przez cały dzień! Jego ulubioną miejscówką była nasza szatnia
This 10-year-old Golden Retriever female was brought to our emergency room with clinical signs of collapse. She was unconscious, no peripheral pulse was detected, had pale mucous membranes and evident fluid in abdomen. Double catheter was put and cristaloids with colloids were given.
PL: Ta 10-letnia suczka rasy GR trafiła na oddział intensywnej terapii naszej kliniki z objawami zapaści. Była nieprzytomna, na obwodzie nie wyczuwaliśmy tętna, błony śluzowe miała blade. Oprócz tego miała znacznie powiększony powłoki brzuszne co świadczyło o obecności płynu.
![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhwtnhLalM9dgN5gWvNOfX2-bu30pN7ZY3tFdKlmSuI1-l-8kL8baVfjwgdtiUv2SVpl24gBhso2EzOZAUTtqaAuSjghWG_c0aj9Atfpm3xzTGhFSPkT_A2-vWR5I-imbEnN4VnhWxTEO6J/s640/DSC07866.JPG) |
Abdomen distension Rozdęcie brzucha |
![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgo7J8XFlheYbKJmDbg719xYqEPC6EQRCbx4Ehu938yLn54WqDW4jZ1QG4f517ScctrpwdcVSNlxRA36GAcxKbTKbj9krNH6uSW7pCTeHezBduNJvf4oj8GNz-5cgIVXssXfxu5qNGMCKqQ/s640/DSC07867.JPG) |
Pale mucous membranes
Blade błony śluzowe
We decided to perform a centesis and what we saw was this scaring amount of bloody liquid. Po nakłuciu jamy brzusznej upuściliśmy przerażająco ogromną ilość krwistego płynu. |
For about on hour we were trying to resuscitate this poor dog, ultrasound examination of an abdomen revealed a ruptured cavitated structure on a spleen bleeding into the abdomen. The most likely diagnosis was hemangiosarcoma. Eventually we decided to euthanize her. I was very curious of what she actually had inside so I opened her and this is what I found.
PL: Przez godzinę próbowaliśmy przywrócić funkcje życiowe biednej suczki, w badaniu USG wykyliśmy guz na śledzionie, który pękł i krwawi do jamy brzusznej. Najprawdopodobnie była to hemangiosarcoma. Zdecydowaliśmy się na eutanazję. Byłam bardzo ciekawa tego co dzieje się w środku i przeprowadziłam szybka sekcję zwłok. Na śledzionie znalazłam to co widzieliśmy w obrazie USG.
Osteosarcoma is the most common tumor of both the axial and appendicular skeleton and is highly malignant. Regardless of site, primary tumor excision and adjuvant therapy is required for all cases of canince osteosarcoma. It affects middle-aged to lder large- and giant breeds most commonly.
Polish: Kostniakomięsak to najczęsciej spotykany nowotwór zarówno w szkielecie osiowym jak i obwodowym. Jest nowotworem o wysokiej złośliwości, zatem niezależnie od miejsca wystąpienia oprócz leczenia chirurgicznego (usunięcie kończyny najczęściej) wymagana jest chemioterapia. Kostniakomięsaki dotyczące szkieletu obwodowego (kończyny) najczęściej występują u psów starszych lub w średnim wieku, ras dużych i olbrzymich.
Dog wheelchair
Wózek inwalidzki dla psa
Please note the huge soft tissue involvement
Zwróćmy uwagę jak bardzo proces nowotworowy objął tkanki miękkie
Xrays revealed tumor growth with soft tissue involvement
Na zdjęciach rtg widoczny rozrost nowotworoy dotyczący zarówno kości jak i tkanek miękkich
Unfortunately I was not able to carry my camera during most of the time so I am going to show you very little of what I saw during my fabulous externship at Hospital Clinic Veterinari -at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. I spent there almost whole my summer taking part in clinical activities, research and educative rounds with Rafael Ruiz de Gopegui (DMV, PhD, Dipl ECVIM-CA) and internal medicine resident Ignacio Mesa Sanchez. This is how my big interest in internal medicine began.
Iam going to start with a very interesting case of Laika. I am not going to describe much, as this case is the one that is submit for publication so more details will be avaliable soon :) This 7-year-old intact mixed-breed female was diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus. She presented lameness (due to arthritis), fever, apathy, anorexia, serum iones disorders. Take a look at her skin lesions, altough they can occur with both forms of lupus, in discoid form the signs are typically limited to the skin. She responded very well to GC...but let's better wait for our publication because her clinical history is quite long and surely very interesting.
Another one is a young Maltese bitch that was brought to our hospital as the owner noticed a mass protruding from her vulva together with vulvar discharge.
A vaginoscopy was performed and we cut a tissue for biopsy. The biopsy, along with cytologic examination are necessary to determine the vaginal tumor's cell type and for a definitive diagnosis.
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This method uses a tiny instrument that is equipped with a camera for
inspecting the inside of the vagina, and which is capable of cutting and
gathering tissue for biopsy |
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A tissue submitted for a biopsy
Vaginal tumors are the second most common reproductive tumor in dogs,
comprising 2.4–3 percent of all tumors in dogs. In dogs 86 percent of vaginal
tumors are benign smooth muscle tumors, (leiomyoma, a type of smooth muscle tumor; fibroleiomyoma, a fibrous tissue and
smooth muscle tissue tumor; and fibroma, a fibrous tissue tumor). |
Another cases- one of the most common illnesses seen in kittens less than one year of age - upper respiratory tract disease. The two most common agents are the viruses, feline herpesvirus (FHV) and feline calicivirus (FCV). As we all know untreated symptoms may lead to serious complications.
If the clinical condition becomes that serious the only possible option to help our patient is to perform an amputation of an eye.
This poor little stray kitten is about to get his surgery, it was quite challenging putting a cathether...
Once we put a catheter, we could start giving him isoflurane to finish preparing him for a Cx.
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The eyeball has just been removed |
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During the surgery we all could observe a whole procedure on monitor in the surgery room |
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Here very best ophthalmologist Prof. Teresa Peña with her resident |
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Our little cute patient did great and it's recovering, after some hours he already wanted to play with me! :) |
Allergic reactions to vaccinations:
For most of the pet owners vaccination is just a recommended "shot". They actually don't realize what's occurring within their pet's body. In fact, it's a stimulation of the immune system. It is quite normal for some joint or muscle soreness to occur, sometimes lethargy, mild fever is observed as well. Sometimes we don't even notice any kind of reaction. What I saw was rather an allergic reaction that has to be distinguished from what I described above.
The time after vaccination can be immediate (type I reaction) or in the next 48 hours (type IV).
Obviously it is not very common situation, in one enormous study approximately one in 250 dogs had some sort of vaccination reaction, which was translated into to 13 reactions for every 10,000 doses of vaccine given.
If your pet is having a more severe reaction, you should contact with your vet right away.
If an animal suffers from an allergic reaction to vaccine, it always will be prone to have a similar problem in future, every time vaccinated. There are some tips though for owners of that kind of pets:
1.Avoid vaccines like Lyme disease, Leptospirosis- larger vaccine organisms tend to produce more reactions.
2.Avoid giving several vaccinations at one time (separate time minimum 2 weeks)
3.Be sure your vet is aware of your pet's history of vaccine reaction
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This cute bulldog has been vaccinated about 2 hours earlier. Please forgive me that i just missed what kind of vaccine was it, my point was to show some potential adverse reactions. You can see that his face was swollen, red and kind of irritated. Dog didn't present any pain, was very anxious, though. |
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I hope you can see the red spots on his skin |
He was given a steroid injection and the problem resolved almost immediately.